BARRA DE FERRO, Barcelona, 2021 EINA

In this project we observe, analyze and represent the acts of a contemporary artist, through an anthropological gaze. We concentrate on his acts rather than on the final result, his work.

Through methods and tools originating in cultural anthropology we generate a new layer of understanding and material to be exhibited.

The project is based on a collaboration with the artist Guillermo Basagoiti Brown who has had the patience and generosity of share time and space during the process of making different works of his from 2018 to today, giving access to his artistic practice.The title of the project "Apuntes Etnográficos" arises from an interpretation of ethnography as a way of documenting everyday events and the extraordinary, the familiar and the exotic (Sansi, 2015: 22). For decades now, anthropology and ethnography, as a method, have not merely focus on the 'other', but through a concrete gaze they can contribute to generate new visions, debates, questions, about what surrounds us.

The relevance of the diverse, ambiguous, enriching, and contested relationships between art, anthropology, and curatorship are discusses. This work does not pretend to be or represent a scientific research, nor does it want to talk about contemporary art in a general way, rather it is an observation of a specific artist, at a specific time, and from a specific point of view, by a specific person. Translating this set of acts, movements, rituals and relationships into an exhibition is the objective of Apuntes Etnográficos.


Madeleine Spierer - Cosmos & Gruta - SPAIN


Neuma Ona- Barcelona, SPAIN